Publications & Conference Materials
On this page you can find a list of my published and conference materials.
For the full version of my graduate work, you can check my PhD thesis, and/or this short thesis summary.
You can also find this information on my Google scholar profile.
Preprints for articles currently under review - links are to open-access preprints
- A historical overview of the study of aperiodic neural activity
- Donoghue T
- A systematic review of aperiodic neural activity in clinical investigations
- Donoghue T
- Dissociating contributions of theta and alpha from aperiodic neural activity in human visual working memory
- van Engen Q, Chau G, Smith A, Adam KCS, Donoghue T, & Voytek B
- Evaluating and Comparing Measures of Aperiodic Neural Activity
- Donoghue T, Hammonds R, Eric Lybrand, Waschke L, Gao R, & Voytek B
- Aperiodic neural excitation of the prefrontal cortex offsets age-related decrease in hippocampal theta activity for spatial memory maintenance
- Park SE, Donoghue T, Jacobs J, Lee SA.
- The Temporal Dynamics of Aperiodic Neural Activity Track Changes in Sleep Architecture
- Ameen MS, Jacobs J, Schabus M, Hoedlmoser K, Donoghue T
Journal Articles
Peer reviewed journal articles - titles link to journal pages & PDF links to downloadable copies
- Resting-state EEG signatures of Alzheimer’s disease are driven by periodic but not aperiodic changes [PDF]
- Kopčanová M, Tait L, Donoghue T, Stothart G, Smith L, Flores-Sandoval AA, Davila-Perez P, Buss S, Shafi MM, Pascual-Leone A, Fried PJ, Benwell CSY
- spiketools: a Python package for analyzing single-unit neural activity [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Maesta Pereira S, Han CZ, Qasim SE, Jacobs J
- Single neurons in the human medial temporal lobe flexibly shift representations across spatial and memory tasks [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Cao R, Han CZ, Holman CM, Brandmeir NJ, Wang S, Jacobs J
- Using multi-task experiments to test principles of hippocampal function [PDF]
- Han CZ, Donoghue T, Cao R, Kunz L, Wang S, Jacobs J
- Course Materials for Data Science in Practice [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Voytek B, Ellis SE
- Automated meta-analysis of the event-related potential (ERP) literature [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Voytek B
- Spectral parameterization for studying neurodevelopment: how and why [PDF]
- Ostlund BD, Donoghue T, Anaya B, Gunther KE, Karalunas SL, Voytek B, Pérez-Edgar KE
- Methodological Considerations for Studying Neural Oscillations [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Schaworonkow N, Voytek B
- Modality-specific tracking of attention and sensory statistics in the human electrophysiological spectral exponent [PDF]
- Waschke L, Donoghue T, Fiedler L, Smith S, Garrett DD, Voytek B, Obleser J
- Teaching creative and practical data science at scale [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Voytek B, Ellis SE
- Parameterizing neural power spectra into periodic and aperiodic components [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Haller M, Peterson EJ, Varma P, Sebastian P, Gao R, Noto T, Lara AH, Wallis JD, Knight RT, Shestyuk A, Voytek B
- Electrophysiological Band-Ratio Measures Conflate Changes in Periodic and Aperiodic Activity [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Dominguez J, Voytek B
- EEG Power Spectral Slope differs by ADHD status and stimulant medication exposure in early childhood [PDF]
- Robertson M, Furlong S, Voytek B, Donoghue T, Boettiger CA, & Sheridan MA
- LISC: A Python Package for Scientific Literature Collection and Analysis [PDF]
- Donoghue T
- NeuroDSP: A package for neural digital signal processing [PDF]
- Cole S, Donoghue T, Gao R, Voytek B
Book Chapters
- How can we differentiate narrow-band oscillations from aperiodic activity? [PDF]
- Donoghue T, Watrous AJ
Conference Papers
Selected peer reviewed, short papers, published in conference proceedings - titles link to PDF of the paper
- A Simulation-Based Comparison of Methods for Analyzing Aperiodic Neural Activity
- Donoghue T, Gao R, Waschke L, Voytek B
- Aperiodic EEG activity tracks 1/f stimulus characteristics and the allocation of cognitive resources
- Waschke L, Donoghue T, Smith S, Voytek B, Obleser J
- The Structure of Cognition Across Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
- Gao R, Christiano D, Donoghue T, Voytek B
- Confidence Levels in Scientific Writing: Automated Mining of Primary Literature and Press Releases
- Fox W, Donoghue T
- Automated Generation of Cognitive Ontology via Web Text-Mining
- Gao R, Donoghue T, Voytek B
Conference Posters
Selected posters for which I was presenting author or the direct supervisor - titles link to PDF of the poster
- specparam2.0: Spectral parameterization with time-resolved estimates and updated model forms
- Conjunctive encoding in human place and time cells and their relation to spatial memory
- The Temporal Dynamics of Aperiodic Activity Track Changes in Sleep Structure
- Project led by Mohamed S Ameen
- Conjunctive encoding in human place and time cells and their relation to spatial memory
- Methodological Considerations for Measuring Spectral Features
- Single-neurons in the human medial temporal lobe engage in distinct aspects of different tasks
- Presented by Sandra Maesta Periera
- Conjunctive Encoding in Human Place and Time Cells
- Presented by Claire Z Han
- Comparing the Effects of Pre-Stimulus Activity on Event-Related Potentials
- Presented by Fenglin Zhang
- Evaluating Methods for Time-Resolved Measurement of Aperiodic Activity
- Presented by Tyler Farnan
- A Simulation-Based Comparison of Methods for Analyzing Aperiodic Neural Activity
- Frequency Band Ratio Measures Conflate Periodic & Aperiodic Changes
- Presented by Julio Dominguez
- Parameterization of Periodic and Aperiodic Human Electrophysiology
- Presented by Luyanda Mdanda
- Large-Scale Topographical Analysis of Electrophysiological 1/f and Oscillations Reveals Patterns of Spatial Variation
- Integrating Human Electrophysiology, Gene Expression and Functional Data
- Confidence Levels in Scientific Writing
- Presented by Will Fox
- Alpha Power and 1/f Slope Provide Independent Decoding of Visual Spatial Attention
- Assessing Approaches for Estimating the Electrophysiological 1/f Background Spectrum
- Automated Meta-Analysis of Event-Related Potentials and their Correlates through Text-Mining
- Data Mining to Generate Novel Hypotheses for the Genetic Underpinnings and Functional Roles of Cortical Oscillations
- Presented by Priyadarshini Sebastian
- The Relation of Oscillatory-Phase to Visual Perception is Dependent on Attention and Location of the Stimuli
- Automated Analysis of Resting State Cortical Oscillatory Characteristics using Magnetoencephalography (MEG)